
Standing Rock Trail

Standing Rock Trail

From Aberdeen we headed west along US-12, an early transcontinental highway known as the Yellowstone Highway the idea of which originated here in the SD town of Ipswich.After a stop for a geocache and museum visit in Mobridge we crossed the Missouri and followed signs...

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We visited Pipestone National Monument today. Though we'd not known about the park, we've known about it's product and a bit about it's significance in Native American culture. The peace pipe is carved from stone found only here. This is sacred land where these...

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Agate Fossil Beds

Agate Fossil Beds

See Park Video Agate Fossil Beds National Monument is out in the middle of the prairie many miles from any sizable city, in fact the closest town is Harrison, Nebraska 25 miles to the north, a community of less than three hundred people. What was once the Agate...

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Planning a trip? Dreaming of travel? Perhaps some of our adventures could inspire yours! Over the last several years we’ve had the distinct pleasure of many cross country journeys traveling though the Lower 48 in tents and our various teardrop campers as well as an amazing Alaska adventure that did not involve a camper.

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At Home in Medina

At Home in Medina

In October we decided to make Medina our new hometown and have been embracing its charms while setting into our new apartment