15th Annual Deck Day


The party started on Saturday when the Cathy & Mike arrived to help us prepare. Then on Sunday when Greg and Joel arrived we kicked it up a notch. Sunday night we we did all the chopping, shucking, cleaning, marinade making, etc. that we could do ahead of time. Steve started his Matt’s Pull Pork on Saturday night in it’s Guinness bath in a slow oven before smoking it for hours on Sunday. Joel prepared Baklava with assistance from Greg on Sunday night. It was wonderful watching them. The real party got going around noon on Monday. All told we had sixty-six people. It was primarily family, Swing dance friends, and Silversmithing friends. Several of Greg’s friends from Tampa came. They enjoyed the puzzle and played games. The kids and several adults enjoyed the pool. Everyone enjoyed the food and camaraderie.





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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.