Land of the Midnight Sun

Alaska, Denali NP-Alaska, National Parks, Road Trip, States

We awakened at Denali Lodge and had a simple breakfast before meeting Susan & Caroline to take the shuttle into the park and walk the Horseshoe Lake Trail in Denali National Park. Back at the train station we heard tales from the hearty souls who had gone whitewater rafting. Back aboard the Alaska Railroad we enjoyed Alaskan Amber and Reindeer Stew for lunch. We reveled in the fabulous scenery but also were lulled by the ready availability of libations and the gentle rocking motion. Most of us were snoozing when some alert traveler shouted “MOOSE”. Everyone was instantly awake and on their feet hollering “WHERE?” Karen jumped up and snapped a picture but it turned out to be a much better picture of the top of Steve’s head than of the moose. We dined that night at Talkeetna Lodge. We were not part of the group that went into town to sample the high alcohol beer and came back feeling no pain. We were among the ones who opted to stay up past midnight and celebrate Summer Solstice with a song fest in the lobby. It was incredible to be walking a trail in the daylight at midnight knowing that in Fairbanks that the 100th annual Midnight Sun Baseball Game was taking place at the same time.




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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.