Yesterday we ventured out to go kayaking at Weedon Island Preserve but discovered the parking lot full and the sky threatening so we contented ourselves with exploring the visitor’s center and learning more about the history of the area. The body of water west of the visitor’s center is named Riviera Bay because a developer in the 1920’s had a vision of developing Weedon Island as Florida’s Riviera…
Today we did succeed in spending the morning kayaking on the Riviera. We put in near the visitor’s center and paddled to the fishing pier, also known as the northern end of the old wooden bridge that some of us remember from our childhood rambles on our bicycles.
Excursion to Bath, England
Bath, England is an amazingly inviting place with deep deep history. One little day trip isn’t anywhere near enough but we did enjoy delving into the history of the Roman Baths, basking in the beauty of Bath Abbey, and topping our visit off with Tea and Bath Buns!