Woke up in Nevada but then crossed the border into California and headed for Lassen Volcanic Park. Here volcanic history has occurred within the last 100 years and photos document the 1914-15 eruptions. Geothermal features such as mudpots, geysers, and fumaroles dot the landscape. It’s a lot like Yellowstone but not so crowded. We particularly fell in love with Emerald Lake. As we left the park we drove through an area that was undergoing a controlled burn. That evening as we drove to Klamath Falls we marveled at the beauty of snow covered Mount Shasta.



1 Comment

  1. Andrea:-)

    Another beautiful set of pictures, especially the one with the sunlight filtering through the trees!



  1. Lassen Volcanic National Park - nuCamp RV - […] camping experiences on their blog, visited Lassen Volcanic National Park for the first time in 2008. “Lassen is one…

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