Drove across Arkansas knowing that we were giving short shrift to a beautiful state. We will definitely come back and explore Arkansas more in depth. Headed for Memphis. Crossed the Mississippi River, so we are now back in the East. Found lodging in downtown Memphis and took the Main Street trolley to Beale Street. Enjoyed the live music, barbequed ribs, and Black Magic beer at B.B.King’s Blues Club. We saw few people out walking around on Beale Street since the temperature was near freezing. The atmosphere inside the clubs was much warmer than outside. Bought a little bit of Blues City BBQ sauce so the taste of Memphis can linger a little longer in our lives.



1 Comment

  1. mark

    thats where sally and i went to the clasp conference for jewelers,
    we had fried green tomatoes in bb kings.
    big fun , great music
    love u 2


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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.