We’ve been planning this day since September 1979 when we ventured into the mountains of North Carolina in search of property for our retirement home. Since then we have had a sign in our bedroom reminding us that we’d rather be in the mountains of North Carolina. Today we took possession of our little mountain home. Our tenant of 24 years turned over the keys and a very clean house. Incidentally, the weather was such that Mary Kay also had the opportunity to show us how to defrost the pipe in the well house since the temperature dropped to around 20 degrees last night! We’ve found out that we can get a weak cell phone signal from two spots in the house so we don’t have to go out onto the hillside to make a phone call! Now the challenge will be to get all the boxes and furniture out of the giant Tetris game in the study and turn this house into our home.
Rally in the Adirondacks
Thanks to the organizational skills of Mandy & Kgreat weekend of endrick, the amazing support of their team, and the sponsorship of nüCamp RV we enjoyed a great weekend of camaraderie and fun at the Northeast Rally. Gathering with fellow teardrop aficionados is always an enriching experience and this gathering in the Adirondacks was no exception.
Welcome home! What a momentous day. Stay warm, enjoy your unpacking (so much better than packing), and happy December in Cullowhee. 🙂
Glad to know you are safe and sound in your new home. Your travels were very exciting to read about, thanks for sharing. God Bless you both and Happy Holidays. Now go find some mistletoe !!
Ed Egan and David Christopher
I am sitting here in my house having followed your journey through a multitudinous of places… Shivering a little thinking of twenty degree weather and a little awestruck at your journey. Thanks for taking the time and expending the effort to share your adventures.
It is great to see you are at home. Hope you are enjoying the weather and staying warm. You must have a lot of new things to discover!!
We are still preparing for Christmas. Hallie keeps rearranging my arrangements!! Beth had her gall bladder surgery yesterday. She had bronchitis and they had to go back and forth before they finally decided to go ahead with the surgery. All is well!
Bill had an encounter with one of the owls at the Bird Sanctuary. T. J. the owl finally took a bite out of his head. Other staffers said Bill has now been officially initiated!! Bill said he now understands why others wear a helmet and goggles when they go in T. J. ‘s cage!
Have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to hearing from you all.
Terry & Chuck Persons