Deck Day Puzzling With A Twist


It was another glorious Deck Day, our twenty-second annual! And the weather was perfect. Today was a gathering of thirty-nine people including we two. Folks came from Massachusetts, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, and further afield in North Carolina. A few folks were new to the Deck Day tradition but many have been to this party a number of times. It was a wonderful celebration of family and friends, food and drink, fun and conversation.  We’ve continued the Deck Day tradition of a putting together a 3D puzzle bIMG_5032ut this time the 3D description referred to the holographic design on the flat puzzle. It was such a challenge that unlike nearly every year so far, we did not finish the puzzle. Drat it. Does that mean Deck Day is incomplete? And we missed the presence of friend Gary who has been to nearly every Deck Day so far. He had plans to come but got side tracked by emergency surgery on Friday.




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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.