Back Together!


IMG_5502Today was another bonus day. We two relished the ability to stay home. We visited with Lou and Peg over breakfast then did some quiet activities. Peg sat in the sun and did some crochet. Steve and Lou conferred over the best approach to take with a problem with the spa. Karen worked on some pharmacy continuing education while sitting on the deck. We all visited Creekside for a bit. Lou and Peg went into town on some errands and canned some blueberry jam. Everyone took naps. Then in the early evening we joined old friends Paul and Sharon for dinner at a delightful Mexican restaurant nearby before heading on together to a concert on the green at Western Carolina University. Afterwards we gathered around the firepit on our deck for a sunset gathering. It was such fun to be all together. We had all been friends together three decades ago when our kids were little. Now we’re together again in the mountains of North Carolina!




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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.