A Visit by Sam


IMG_7166Monday morning did not start well. We’d fasted in anticipation of having blood drawn at the laboratory but that didn’t happen. Our favorite breakfast restaurant is closed on Mondays. We were too hungry to head for home and too hungry to make excellent choices at the alternate restaurant. Things improved a bit after breakfast. We walked four laps at the recreation center then headed home. By the time we got home the weather had warmed, the sun was shining full on the deck and we were able to sit on the deck with our waters and visit with Sam. Visits with this important member of the cove community are more precious than ever. He once came to visit an a regular basis. Then his “family” fenced the yard so visits were perforce less frequent. Now we have learned that the family that he lives with will be moving to Pennsylvania in June and the family that technically owns Sam has agreed to let him move with his chosen family. We’re pleased that he will get to stay with the people and dogs that he prefers but we are so very sad that he will be leaving our neighborhood. Thanks, Sam, for the visits and for your watchfulness all around the neighborhood.




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National Portrait Gallery

National Portrait Gallery

It was a most educational visit to the newly renovated National Portrait Gallery at Trafalgar Square in Central London. We were intrigued with the contemporary approach to presenting British History.

Bletchley Park

Bletchley Park

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Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

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