Errands Day


Today’s the first of three business days we have at home before we head to Zephyrhills. It’s time to spruce up the road weary. We took Eric the Red to Rick’s Car Wash for the full treatment. Then we took ourselves to Jill’s Barber Shop for much needed haircuts. While there we learned that she will be cutting her presence here in Dillsboro to one week a month, meaning that we’ll have to do more planning ahead for haircuts or face the angst of finding a new barber. Next we stopped by Andy Shaw to get an appointment for Eric’s slightly overdue thirty thousand mile service. Yes, we’ve put twenty-four thousand miles on our “new” truck in less than ten months! And we’ve had a glorious time doing so! On or way home we met two of the new neighbors and two of the new dogs in the cove and we finished the day with sharing some of our California wine with neighbors Steve and Mary around the firepit on the deck surrounded by the lush summer greenery that graces our mountain home!





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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.