Glorious Family Fun!


It’s been such a fun weekend ! Linus, Peyton, Riley, Rachel, Greg, and David all arrived just before five on Thursday afternoon. Saturday evening and Sunday morning we were joined too by Uncle Bill and Aunt Dovie. For the next few days we engaged in all sorts of fun activities as family. There was blackberry picking, stream stomping, games of Uno (Peyton won!) and of Apples to Apples (Riley won), bubble blowing (Linus was amazed), ribs on the grill, pancakes with sprinkles, goetta, marinated cucumbers and onions, warm afternoons and cool nights, a tent on the deck, hiking, dam building, splashing in the stream, and so much more. It just seemed to be the kind of experience of which memories are made. Now they have all left to return to their homes and our house seems too quiet. 



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  1. Debi Ford



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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.