Since Age Eleven 


Today we were blessed with a visit from our long time friends, Stan & Elaine. We are four members of a group of six friends who for the most part go back to high school days. Karen’s a latecomer to the group having joined in junior college. Stan and Steve though go back a bit further, to age eleven when they were both members of BS Troop 268 in St Petersburg. They earned their Tenderfoot rank under the leadership of Mr Mason and Mr Johnson and progressed on eventually to backpacking on the Appalachian Trail together in late high school under the leadership of Mr Jim Barco. Today they were laying plans for a day hike on the AT next month to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of that first hike together.




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Excursion to Bath, England

Excursion to Bath, England

Bath, England is an amazingly inviting place with deep deep history. One little day trip isn’t anywhere near enough but we did enjoy delving into the history of the Roman Baths, basking in the beauty of Bath Abbey, and topping our visit off with Tea and Bath Buns!