It was a rainy trip from Bloomington to Richmond, Indiana. After setup on Site 5 at the KOA, we discussed the feasibility of preparing dinner then invoked the “That’s why God made restaurants!” comment that we use when curious people ask about cooking in the clamshell kitchen when it rains and took ourselves to Carver’s Family Restaurant. We listened to rain on the roof through the night. By morning the weather app told us we were on the trailing edge of the eastward moving storm system. So, of course, we packed up and now we’re heading east!
Excursion to Bath, England
Bath, England is an amazingly inviting place with deep deep history. One little day trip isn’t anywhere near enough but we did enjoy delving into the history of the Roman Baths, basking in the beauty of Bath Abbey, and topping our visit off with Tea and Bath Buns!