Going to Good Homes


Treasures from deep in the closet. We’ve been digging deep into all our closets and making hard decisions as to whether all those hidden treasures really enrich our lives. These too don’t meet the critera and will go to new homes. Dave will adopt his grandfather’s light meter and the rest will go to our friend Livingston who has a photography shop and the opportunity to find happy homes for the rest of it. It’s been a busy Spring of digging through old files scanning and shredding, then scanning and shipping family history files, then pulling everything out of closets and drawers and keeping only the most useful and most precious items. Life is good!




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National Portrait Gallery

National Portrait Gallery

It was a most educational visit to the newly renovated National Portrait Gallery at Trafalgar Square in Central London. We were intrigued with the contemporary approach to presenting British History.

Bletchley Park

Bletchley Park

It was at Bletchley Park that the Allied Codebreakers deciphered German military messages during the Second World War. A free guided tour gave us a good overview of the campus and the activities that occurred here from 1938 to 1945.

Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

A lovely way to spend a Sunday in Hampstead. We visited the historic Fenton House to view lots of lovely collectibles, to listen to and learn about harpsicords, and to tour and linger in the garden before heading off to the historic Spaniard’s Inn for a most delectable Sunday Roast.