Azaleas and Butterflies


Now that Dogwood Winter with temperatures dipping down to freezing two nights in a row, is past, it looks like we’ll have milder temperatures for a while. We decided to be brave enough to take the houseplants out to the deck. Yes, we’ll need to bring them in at some point in the coming weeks. There’s always a cold snap in May but for now it’s beautiful Spring weather. Our volunteer azaleas down by the creek are in full bloom and are being visited by blue swallowtail butterflies. The dogwoods are in full glory. Violets and Trillium are blooming. And it’s a glorious day to take some time to just sit and soak up some soul soothing sunshine!




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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.