It’s always great fun to have a local guide who can take you to their favorite spots but it’s also fun when they are willing to try out a new place with you. Today at lunchtime we and Sally did just that. We headed to North Peak Brewery. When we saw the sign for Kilkenny’s, Karen’s interest was piqued but they don’t open until 4PM but lunch at North Peak was great. We did Irish coffee along with White Cheddar Ale Soup, salads, and a BBQ wrap. Then we moved on to get some Smoked Whitefish Spread at Burrit’s and “Chocolate Milk” at Saco’s to enjoy on down the road. We spent the afternoon at Sally’s trading iOS and MacOS tips and tricks and enjoying her speedy wifi connection. At dinner time we headed back to the waterfront and Kilkenny’s but instead dined for the second time at North Peak. Good BBQ Ribs and nice local Porter!




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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.