In July Karen invested in a new rain jacket at Duluth Trading Company. Then in August when visiting with Eddie Doherty, the last Donegal Tweed handweaver in Ardara, County Donegal, she took the jacket off to try on a pocket cape and inadvertently left the jacket behind. Eddie graciously agreed to send it to our mailbox service in North Carolina where Tracy boxed it up and FedExed it to General Delivery Rathdrum, Idaho and Michael answered our frequent queries as to the status of the shipment. Today it was delivered to Rathdrum and when we presented to to counter at the post office Susan handed us the package containing the jacket and other items of first class mail that we’d received in recent weeks. It’s quite a journey for a humble rain jacket!
Cruising Canada’s Coast
Aboard Jewel of the Seas, a favorite ship of ours, we enjoyed a foray into the history and geology of Canada’s Atlantic coast while enjoying the joys of friendships, longtime and new. Now we’re looking forward to returning to the same ship for further adventures!
So glad to hear you got your jacket back! That was really nice of them to mail it to you. The visit to see Eddie Dougherty in action with his ancient loom was fascinating. I ended up buying 2 beautiful hand woven scarves which I treasure for their beauty but also as mementos of our magical sisters trip to Ireland.