After marveling at the beauty of the glacier fed lakes we turned to Colonial Creek Campground in an old growth forest on the shore of Lake Diablo. It’s a beautiful place and we considered staying here but we do appreciate the proximity of Newhalem to the Park Visitors Center and the Verizon data signal. We did take advantage of the opportunity to hike the Thunder Creek Trail from Colonial Creek Campground. It was about 1.5 miles each way to a foot bridge but easy grades but it felt good to stretch our legs and stride out! We actually were ready for lunch when we started so we were really really ready for lunch when we finished. We did stop to take another look at Gorge Creek Falls on our way but we were anxious to make it to the Newhalem General Store where we indulged in some sandwiches that had been made at the historic Gorge Inn, salad, chips, fresh coffee, and ice cream!
Cruising Canada’s Coast
Aboard Jewel of the Seas, a favorite ship of ours, we enjoyed a foray into the history and geology of Canada’s Atlantic coast while enjoying the joys of friendships, longtime and new. Now we’re looking forward to returning to the same ship for further adventures!