In 1951 an oil filter equipment salesman and his wife, George & Barbara Bush moved into this modest house at 1412 W Ohio Street in Midland, Texas and made it their home for four years. Here their eldest son Georgie played with his younger siblings, was a member of the Roy Rogers Club, joined Cub Scouts, and played Little League sparking his lifelong love of baseball. In 2001 a nonprofit organization purchased the house and with cooperation from the Bush family has restored it to reflect the Bush Family home of the early 1950’s. We arrived just in time to join the last guided tour of the day and learn more about this great family!

George W Bush Home Video



1 Comment

  1. Steve & Karen

    And today we got the news that President George H. W. Bush passed into eternity. A dignified amazing patriot! Our nation is richer for his service.


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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.