Sc@rlett’s Spa Day

2019 West Again, Road Trip

For the better part of three months Sc@rlett has been looking forward to her scheduled day at the spa. This morning at 8 AM we turned her over to Austin and crew at the nüCamp Repair Shop for a some minor repairs and a couple of upgrades. While she was being pampered we took her faithful tow vehicle, Eric the Red, to Lahm Motors in Sugarcreek for his own bit of pampering, an oil change and safety check with Kyle. We spent part of the day at the nüCamp offices hobnobbing with Creed and even spirited Julie out to lunch at Bag’s. By day’s end Sc@rlett was sporting some new shiny parts under Wendell’s care and Eric could brag on a clean bill of health. We celebrated at Pig Heaven in Dover with Elsie and Sarah and followed up with a bit of indulgence at Miller’s Creamery in downtown Dover.




  1. Dawn Kuenzli

    What a fun day! I love Sugarcreek and the NüCamp people!

    • Steve & Karen

      It’s always a treat to visit the factory and all our friends there.


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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

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