An overnight last night at the Hayward KOA Holiday at Hayward, Wisconsin afforded us the opportunity to get laundry done. Then today we headed just a little bit north and east into the far west of the Upper Peninsula just over the Wisconsin border. Home tonight is Big Snow Resort near Wakefield, Michigan. Being a Harvest Host site it offers members fee-free boondocking sites. On top of that we had the chance to purchase passes and luxuriate in their pool, hot tub, and sauna this afternoon. Now this evening we’re in the Sky Bar right by the top of the ski lift enjoying some libations, and waiting not only for our food to be delivered to our table but for the live band to tune up and begin their first set. Thank you, Harvest Hosts for coordinating this amazing network of businesses willing to provide RV parking space for those of us willing to pay the annual membership and follow the code of conduct. It’s provided us with a wealth of experiences including a stay at a ski resort albeit in summer, appropriate for folks like us who don’t know how to behave in the snow but love green trees and mountains.

Widow Maker here I come. So excited about my upcoming visit! Thanks!