Arrived last night in San Francisco Bay Area. Yesterday they experienced tropical storm strength winds, rain, and power outages. Today was just lots of rain and gray skies. It affected the degree to which we explored Palo Alto. No one wanted to do much of getting out and walking. We saw Stanford University and the Medical Center from the relative comfort of the car. We did do some shopping and enjoyed a Greek meal and lingered over Turkish coffee and Scrabble. After a foray to the Apple Store, we replenished our energy supply with a visit to The Cheesecake Factory. Then we stopped at the Whole Foods market and got supplies for a dinner at Lou’s apartment.
Cruising Canada’s Coast
Aboard Jewel of the Seas, a favorite ship of ours, we enjoyed a foray into the history and geology of Canada’s Atlantic coast while enjoying the joys of friendships, longtime and new. Now we’re looking forward to returning to the same ship for further adventures!