Spent today in Mt Rainier National Park. We drove to Paradise, drinking in fabulous views of Rainier’s snowy peak. From there we hiked the 2.5 miles to Glacier overlook and marveled at the glacial flows and the beauty of the glacial lake. Back in the parking lot we saw a cute little chipmunk long enough to get his photo. Then we drove to Kent in the Seattle area, set up at a KOA and found a great dinner at BBQ Pete’s – some really good pulled pork washed down with Shiner Bock.    




  1. Andrea:-)

    Chipmunks must love posing in the western part of the U.S….my dad got a picture of one just sitting on a rock in Yellowstone!  They are so adorable!  The mountain looks gorgeous!  I love seeing snow – one of the things I miss most living in Florida;-)

  2. Brende


  3. Dave

    Mt. Rainier looks breathtaking and a little chilly.
    Hmm… want to adopt the “cute” chipmunk that took a liking to my garden this summer?


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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.