Ice Storm


Today just didn’t go as planned. Initially we were to go to a dinner party, A French Dinner for Eight at some friends’ house. Early in the week when the extended forecast called for an ice storm the dinner was rescheduled. That actually left us free to leave a little earlier for our trip to Florida and we moved our travel plans up. Departure on Friday rather than Saturday. More time with CJ and Phil and a chance to go to a Renaissance Fair with them in Gainesville, Florida. Yesterday’s forecast called for icy rain to begin around eleven this morning. So we set the alarm for five-thirty thinking to be out of the area before the storm came through. Well the storm didn’t adhere to the weatherman’s schedule. It came through about five in the morning. We woke up to ice on the deck, ice on the driveway, ice on the road. Neighbors reported icy conditions on the mountain road into town and especially the bridges this morning. We were imagining trying to traverse it with the trailer and opted for discretion as the better part of valor. We’re now hoping for warmer conditions tomorrow morning and hoping the forecast is accurate. We’ll get to Florida with the camper yet!




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National Portrait Gallery

National Portrait Gallery

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Bletchley Park

Bletchley Park

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Fenton House and Spaniards Inn

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