Changes in Longitude

2013 New England, Family, Road Trip

Our plans have changed. Our route has changed. We’ve been planning to mosey our way south to Tween Creeks to enjoy home for at least a few days knowing that we may need to travel to Florida soon. Then last night David called and asked a favor. Could we come to Canton and help him unpack and settle into his new house. Knowing how much he has on his plate these days, we decided to say “Yes”. So today we changed our style. We traveled interstate. Less intensive navigation, lower gas mileage, but faster times. Great landscapes just whizzing past our windows. Knitting in the rider’s seat. Radio cranked up. Tunes spilling out. Sometimes singing along. Buffett’s “Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude”, how appropriate! And Santana’s “Se Acabo” (It’s Finished). The ramble is over. We’ve had fun poking our way through New York and New England. Now we’re on a mission. We got reservations for Bear Creek Campground south of Canton but knew we couldn’t arrive before the office closed so instead we went straight to Dave’s house. There we had a great dinner with Dave, Amy and the girls, Chinese takeout eaten as a living room picnic amid boxes and bags awaiting unpacking. Before bedtime and our departure for the campground we offered the girls a tour of our “house”. Peyton was totally amazed that we lived in a tiny “house” that travels behind our car!




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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.