The 400 in Wytheville 

Road Trip

Somehow Wytheville, near the intersection of I-77 and I-81 has become a convenient stopping place in our travels. We’re at the KOA here again as we trek south in search of warmer weather so we can de-winterize and put the 400 through her paces. Yesterday we delighted at being able to just pop into the T@B to make sandwiches then eat lunch at the dinette table. Last night we arrived at nightfall. After an easy setup, we prepared a simple supper then hunkered in for the evening. We set up the laptop on the kitchen counter, converted the dinette to a lounge and spent the evening immersed in documentaries about the life of FDR. It was a pleasant way to spend a cold evening! Now it’s time to decamp and head for warmer climes!



1 Comment

  1. Debi Ford

    The beta matches Eric the Red nicely. Happy testing!


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Stavanger, Norway

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