Abbott Farms

2021, New York, Road Trip

Today’s travels have taken us a bit north of US-20 to Abbott Farms in Baldwinsville, New York. It’s another great Harvest Hosts site. In accordance with Harvest Hosts Etiquette, we made a point to arrive early enough to be able to shop in the farm store. Since it’s too early in the season for fresh produce we bagged some frozen grass-fed beef and some amazing pickles and pickled asparagus. Besides the opportunity to stay overnight in a flowering orchard, this stay gave us the chance to spend the evening with friends (and possibly very distant cousins) Mike & Merilee. They met us at the farm and were the first of our nüCamp fellow campers to tour our new T@B 400 before whisking us off to dine at one of their fave local restaurants and then hang out for a while at their lovely home and to sample some of Mike’s homebrew. Life is good!




  1. Bob DeGraaf

    Fun to watch your adventures! I head to Georgia in three weeks in my camper. 17 foot Bullet Colt. Nothing fancy but fine for me and my dog (wife passed away 2018). Safe travels!

  2. Amanda

    How fantastic that you met up with friends! That’s a great way to share a Harvest Host experience!!

  3. Mike and Merilee

    Merilee and I enjoyed your visit. It’s always a great pleasure keeping in touch with members of our T@B family. BTW, the wine was excellent.


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Excursion to Bath, England

Excursion to Bath, England

Bath, England is an amazingly inviting place with deep deep history. One little day trip isn’t anywhere near enough but we did enjoy delving into the history of the Roman Baths, basking in the beauty of Bath Abbey, and topping our visit off with Tea and Bath Buns!