“Build it and they will come.” It’s the theme of the 1989 movie, Field of Dreams which we watched shortly after our teenaged son read W.P. Kinsella’s novel, Shoeless Joe. Through the years we’ve rewatched this film quite a few times fascinated with the historical baseball figures, the voice of James Earl Jones, and the tenacity of Ray Kinsella. As we began our cross country travels, the opportunity to visit the movie site drifted around at the edges of our travel planning but truly we didn’t know where in Iowa to locate Dyersville. Until today. As we drove south along the Great River Road we saw a blue highway sign telling us to turn left for the Field of Dreams Movie Location. We did. We parked. We donated. We shopped. Then we just stood in awe. It was the movie come to life in front of us on a beautiful summer afternoon. We stood and watched some youngsters play a pickup baseball game and as we watched them we could see just a few individuals sitting in the bleachers with the farmhouse and barn behind them. And in the background was the corn at just the height it was in the iconic film. It was perfect. We lingered just long enough to engrave this moment into our memories. Baseball! Yes!




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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.