Peyton’s been dancing for at least ten years and it thrills us every time we have the opportunity to watch here. Tonight she played a nanny, a band member, a panda, and a banker in a ballet production of Mary Poppins. We especially loved her brief solo with a tambourine and her performance as a stodgy old banker. Also in the audience was big sister Riley who’d arrived home for the summer from college just hours before. Peyton loves these performances so much that she’s always just a little misty eyed by the time we get to see her after the show, she enjoys performing with her dance community so much and is disappointed when each production ends. This is one of the great joys of our life these days, being present for Peyton’s performances!



1 Comment

  1. Donna & Jerry

    Broadway bound! Beautiful little girl!!


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Excursion to Bath, England

Excursion to Bath, England

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