Columbia River Gorge NSA-Oregon

Vista House

Vista House

See Park Video See Park Video Described by it's architect as a "temple to the natural beauty of the Gorge", Vista House has graced Crown Point for one hundred years offering travelers commanding views of the Columbia River. These days during operating hours it...

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Lamprey Ladders

Lamprey Ladders

The more we learn about the Bonneville complex the more we want to learn. We extended our stay in Cascade Locks, Oregon so we could come see the visitors center on the Washington side and tour the new powerhouse. Yesterday's tour guide was an engineer who emphasized...

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Return to Multnomah

Return to Multnomah

A year ago the Eagle Creek Fire was raging through the Columbia River Gorge and Mt Hood National Forest. We were a bit reticent about visiting on this trip and we find it discouraging to look at the extensive fire damage. Parts of our beloved US-30 are closed due to...

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Powerhouse Tour

Powerhouse Tour

At 1:15PM today we finally got to put our names on the list for the Bonneville Powerhouse Tour. Our guide took us through the geology of the Columbia Basin, the largest watershed system on the Pacific side of the Americas and then told the story of the landslide from...

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Herman the Sturgeon

Herman the Sturgeon

Yesterday we arrived at the Bradford Island Visitors Center on the Oregon side of the Bonneville Lock and Dam too late for the powerhouse tour. This morning we arrived two and a half hours too early so we headed to the Bonneville Fish Hatchery to meet its famous...

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Bonneville Fish Ladder

Bonneville Fish Ladder

Kevin, our host at the Cascade Locks KOA, as we were checking in for our stay on #127, gave us an overview of things to do in the area, what's currently unavailable due to last year's fire, what route to take to various places since much of US-30 is now closed. He...

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Ladder Creek Falls Lights

Ladder Creek Falls Lights

Along Thunder Creek Trail we paused for a couple of moments to chat with a fellow hiker and learned that there is a nightly light show at Ladder Creek Falls next to the Gorge Power Station at Newhalem. We confirmed that and got additional details at the general store....

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Multnomah and More

Multnomah and More

Our home last night was the Vancouver RV Park, a distinctly urban park with tight sites, full hookups, and a prohibition against tents. It served our purpose nicely yesterday. Today we took advantage of the location and after pulling out we drove a few short blocks to...

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The Amazingly Scenic Columbia River Gorge

The Amazingly Scenic Columbia River Gorge

Today we explored the waterfalls of Columbia Gorge. We drove the Historic Highway and stopped at every waterfall taking little hikes and lots of pictures. Except at Talkeena Falls where we hiked to the top of the ridge! At Multnomah we had a delicious lunch at the...

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Planning a trip? Dreaming of travel? Perhaps some of our adventures could inspire yours! Over the last several years we’ve had the distinct pleasure of many cross country journeys traveling though the Lower 48 in tents and our various teardrop campers as well as an amazing Alaska adventure that did not involve a camper.

Enjoy exploring, and leave us comments! We love hearing from you. And if you’d like to follow us, Subscribe by signing up at the bottom of this page.



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Rally in the Adirondacks

Rally in the Adirondacks

Thanks to the organizational skills of Mandy & Kgreat weekend of endrick, the amazing support of their team, and the sponsorship of nüCamp RV we enjoyed a great weekend of camaraderie and fun at the Northeast Rally. Gathering with fellow teardrop aficionados is always an enriching experience and this gathering in the Adirondacks was no exception.

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Over a long weekend we sampled some of the myriad things to do in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, unique among national parks for it’s environmental reclamation, historic preservation, and recreational opportunities adjacent to the populous cities of Cleveland and Akron in northeastern Ohio. Can’t wait to return and explore more.