Olympic NP-Washington

Olympic National Park Day One

Olympic National Park Day One

Awakening this morning to gray skies, we figured this must be the first day of winter. So grateful we had the opportunity to visit Rainier in the sunshine! As we were preparing to depart three deer came through a neighboring site on their breakfast circuit. From Alder...

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Alien Landscapes

Alien Landscapes

Started the day with a walk in the rain on Rialto Beach. It seemed like a scene from science fiction, perhaps Oo Topos. It was unlike any beach we had ever experienced. Instead of shells and white sand it had water smoothed pebbles and rocks. Instead of condos, it was...

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Most Northwestern Point

Most Northwestern Point

The weather wasn't conducive to a day of touring Olympic National Park. It was overcast, misty, rainy. Nonetheless we drove up to the Hurricane Ridge Lookout. Mt Olympus peeked out of the clouds but not for long enough to get a picture. We drove through some...

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Planning a trip? Dreaming of travel? Perhaps some of our adventures could inspire yours! Over the last several years we’ve had the distinct pleasure of many cross country journeys traveling though the Lower 48 in tents and our various teardrop campers as well as an amazing Alaska adventure that did not involve a camper.

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At Home in Medina

At Home in Medina

In October we decided to make Medina our new hometown and have been embracing its charms while setting into our new apartment