Since the Fall of 1999, the HO train layout has been a part of our lives. When Dave and Greg left for college at the same time we converted half of the the upstairs bedroom space into a 14′ x 18′ model train haven. Dick VanAlstine and Steve designed and built a very realistic layout. CJ got quite involved in various aspects of the scenery. Several of our relatives and friends followed the progress of the project through the years. To see the trains became one of the highlights of our annual Deck Day Party. Now the time has come to move on. The trains are chugging into history but we have documented them quite well in photos and video.
Excursion to Bath, England
Bath, England is an amazingly inviting place with deep deep history. One little day trip isn’t anywhere near enough but we did enjoy delving into the history of the Roman Baths, basking in the beauty of Bath Abbey, and topping our visit off with Tea and Bath Buns!