Sylvan, Spearfish, Lead & Ike?

2008 West--35th Anniversary, Road Trip, South Dakota, States

After a rainy night today dawned sunny and bright. We did laundry and took our time breaking camp so that we had a dry tent to put away. Left Horsethief Campground and headed to Sylvan Lake for lunch and a hike.  Then we headed up US 385 to Spearfish Canyon but by then the skies had become leaden and it was spitting a light rain so we didn’t hike.  We stopped briefly in Lead to learn about the huge gold mine there but it was blustery and cold. Was it the outer fringes of the remnants of Hurricane Ike?  We started to head west on I-90 but didn’t get far before deciding to stop at a Best Western and enjoy a warm dry room and reliable internet access!



1 Comment

  1. Dave

    Can’t wait to see all the photos, especially the side by side comparisons from Honeymoon 1 and Honeymoon 2.


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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.