We left Lou’s residence at 6AM and spent the predawn negotiating twisty turning back roads heading for the coast and California Highway One. We drove the ninety mile stretch known as The Big Sur. It inspired us to stop at nearly every Vista Point to marvel at the scenery and take too many pictures. We hiked a trail in the Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park to see a waterfall that spilled out onto the beach. Further south we stopped to watch elephant seal juveniles lay around on the beach. They spend a month laying on the beach fasting, conserving energy, building bone density, throwing sand on themselves, and occasionally playing with one another. Decided to call it a day in the San Simeon area and had a grilled swordfish dinner and watched the sunset on Moonstone Drive. 




  1. Andrea:-)

    WOW……what a day……it sounds absolutely perfect!

  2. Mary M.

    I have heard of Big Sur. Now I feel like I have been there. Thanks!

  3. Alex

    Seals, the best part of the California coast! Such pretty animals. You guys seems to having more fun than ever.


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