Remembering Uncle Bob


Karen’s Uncle Bob passed away this morning. He and Aunt Nancy were married for fifty-seven years. Karen remembers him from even before the wedding. “He and Aunt Nancy took me to my very first theater movie when I was three years old. I think the movie was Pinocchio but what I really remember was riding in Uncle Bob’s convertible and the thrill of being with Uncle Bob and Aunt Nancy. I always looked forward to seeing him whenever the family returned to Cincinnati for a visit and a family reunion. And with a conversation that we had the summer before I graduated from high school, he had an extremely profound influence on my life. As we were talking about my possibilities after graduation, I talked about how much I loved chemistry and he asked a question. “Have you thought about being a pharmacist?’ I hadn’t but then I did and the rest is history. With that one sentence he set me on the path to an extremely challenging and rewarding career. And that was at a time when very very few women practiced pharmacy.” Uncle Bob was a wonderful husband to Aunt Nancy, a supportive Dad to his children, and a treasured member of our family.

If you remember Uncle Bob, please make a comment….




  1. Dave

    I remember how quiet and reserved he was. While he would inevitably be off to the side watching the insane card games that always seemed to pop up around the kitchen table, but he was always there. Perhaps it is the picture of him with his arm around Aunt Nancy, that is how I remember Uncle Bob best.

  2. Patti Lenz

    I have less defined memories than Karen, but his quiet strength was the attribute that always drew me to him. I also remember him sitting off to the side and watching the chaos that inevitably erupted when the family got together.

  3. Karen

    Patti, I like the comment you made on the telephone today. If you caught Uncle Bob’s eye, he would flash you a smile that would melt your heart!


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