Why We Have 4×4


When we got our Trailblazer back in ’09, we were not specifically looking for a four-wheel drive vehicle, but the vehicle that met our other needs and was in our price range came with the feature. We quickly learned that upon occasion folks who live in the western NC mountains can use that feature. In fact when we got home from a visit to Florida in March of ’10, we discovered our road was a curious mixture of ice and mud. Without four-wheel drive we’d have had to park at the bottom of the drive and schlep all our luggage up the hill. There’s also the fact that we’d not be able to visit our neighbors up the hill without the ability to get the extra traction regardless of sun, rain, or snow. We’ve also learned that if we always travel the last stretch of road just before our driveway in 4WD that we minimize damage to the road that we must maintain ourselves. Therefore back in October when we began the search for new wheels, we made a list of needs and wants in our new vehicle. Four-wheel drive was high on the list of needs. Thus Eric the Red came into our lives. With the snow on our gravel road and the ice on the paved local mountain road today, we were particularly grateful for our 4×4 equipped transportation!photo





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Excursion to Bath, England

Excursion to Bath, England

Bath, England is an amazingly inviting place with deep deep history. One little day trip isn’t anywhere near enough but we did enjoy delving into the history of the Roman Baths, basking in the beauty of Bath Abbey, and topping our visit off with Tea and Bath Buns!