Time to head north with Fort Worth, Arlington, and Bedford in our rearview. We parked the T@B in Patti’s driveway on Wednesday evening and indulged in several days of visits with family. Mark and Brian and a friend had left that morning for hiking in NM traveling west on the highway we had come east on. It was a nice visit that evening with Rebecca and Mike as we noshed on burgers from Twisted Root. Thursday we visited with Karen’s Dad and recorded some reminiscences. That evening we enjoyed a kale and potato salad and a quiet evening with Patti. Friday we helped Dad watch the Texas Rangers lose the second game of the ALDS to the Bluejays. That evening we dined at Bellisimo’s with Lynette and Mike and as always indulged in delightful conversation. Saturday afternoon we enjoyed a most salubrious visit with Alice. Got to visit a bit with Huxley and his parents, Cory and Genny, too! That evening Mark and Brian arrived home full of tales of hikes and glorious night skies. We supped on  some delivery Thai food and debated politics with Rebecca. Sunday morning’s visit with Dad was particularly fun. He got talking about his youth and his parents. He went through some photo albums and we recorded his conversation. Then we rendezvoused with Brian & Alexis to catch up on their ventures. Sunday evening we ultimately chose with Mark and Patti to watch the Rangers third loss in the best of five division playoffs rather than the Clinton-Trump debate. This morning we enjoyed a bit more time with Mark and Patti as we packed up the T@B and pointed the truck north. It’s been a great visit but we have places to discover and a couple of states yet to visit!
Excursion to Bath, England
Bath, England is an amazingly inviting place with deep deep history. One little day trip isn’t anywhere near enough but we did enjoy delving into the history of the Roman Baths, basking in the beauty of Bath Abbey, and topping our visit off with Tea and Bath Buns!