It’s been a soggy two weeks at Winklepleck. Even as we pulled in on the Tuesday before üCamp19 we had to be careful as to where we parked near our assigned power pedestal. Then as the rain progressed we found ourselves camping in the middle of a lake. Even once we were camping on higher ground and hobnobbing with the other Leftovers we were still picking our way carefully between puddles and muddy ruts. We lingered one more night to enjoy the sunset with friends. And this morning as we were hooking up and getting last hugs from Amanda, the nüCamp Ambassador of the Year, and other new friends, the raindrops were falling. Hopefully by the time we’ve finished our Wall House breakfast and begin our journey to Michigan, this storm cell will have passed. We’re looking forward to a campground with full hookups and laundry for the next two nights so we can get our house in order before we truly commence Summer Ramble 2019.
A Taste of Old Florida
What a treat to pause for a BBQ lunch with the locals at Pearl Country Store and Barbecue on US-441 in Micanopy, Florida. It’s a taste of the Florida we remeber from our youth.