Presque Isle Waterfalls

2019 West Again, Michigan, Road Trip, States

What a glorious way to start the day. Sunlight crept in through the stargazer window that looked out into the woods. Hot coffee. Eggs and sausage. And a hike along a portion of the 17 mile Lake Superior Trail to visit Manabezho, Manido, and Nawahada Falls along a stretch of the Presque Isle River. Actually our hike was in the neighborhood of two miles mostly along boardwalks and up and down sturdy park built stairs. In fact it was a lot of up and down but lots of spots to stop and gaze in wonder at these beautiful falls. Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park is a treasure. Last time we were here we visited Lake of the Clouds at the eastern end of the park. Have to say that we rather enjoyed the fact that there are fewer visitors to this western end even in this lead up to the busiest campground week of the year. 




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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.