Cold Weather Activities


It’s 19°F with a chance of snow flurries in the next two hours here at our mountain house. Intrepid cold weather folks would be planning a winter hike or something even more adventurous. Not us. We were raised in Florida and think that cold weather is a fine reason for engaging in indoor activities. So these days we are staying busy organizing and scanning photos and documents as well as refining our digital life. Through the nearly forty years that we have had personal computers in our lives we’ve accumulated an amazing amount of digital files that haven’t always been organized in the most efficient way. Not only that but the hard drive space needed for all of it far exceeds that of either of our computers which is why we’ve added a local server to our home network. Getting all of that organized and backed up is a bit of a full time job for both of us. But to keep the wanderlust alive during these winter months we’re also doing research on places we want to go this summer, making reservations, and watching some amazing YouTube videos to get us in the mood to ramble!



1 Comment

  1. Art

    Awesome pic. I remember when you looked like that. Me too!


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Stavanger, Norway

Stavanger, Norway

Our walking tour through the historic heart of Stavanger gave us insight into the canning and maritime industries that fueled this community as well as some tasty tidbits.