Craft, Cocktails, and Jazz in Greensboro

2023 Full-Time, North Carolina, Road Trip, States

It’s been a delightful quick trip to Greensboro, North Carolina. We stayed as driveway guests with Steve & Mary, our former neighbors. Through the years we’ve enjoyed many a wine evening, dinners at one another’s homes, long delightful conversations, and as pod members during the 2020 lockdown we added cocktails to the mix. In fact, their decision to leave our little mountain community and move closer to family greatly influenced our own decision to sell our mountain house and adopt a lifestyle that gives us much more opportunity to spend more time with grandchildren as well as family members across the country. Mary & Steve put a lot of thought into designing the home they built here which includes a wonderfully spacious quilt studio for Mary and a two story woodworking shop for Steve. Besides enjoying meals together and spending time with them in their craft spaces, they treated us to a bit of exploring in Greensboro. One adventure was an in-depth tour of The Forge. We were intrigued to explore this independent maker space and imagined ourselves living here and being able to hang out here and work on craft projects in a collaborative environment but then remembered that there’s a maker space in the Ohio community where we expect to eventually settle. Later in the day the four of us made our way to the O. Henry Hotel for Thursday Night Cocktails & Jazz with guest vocalist Sarah Partridge for an evening of Ella Fitzgerald songs and stories while sipping on some amazing libations. Steve & Mary, thank you for a great visit and for your invitation to return.

The Forge is an amazing non-profit maker space.
Lots of high end equipment and skilled volunteers who can help you learn how to use it. Here is the laser engraver.
Karen was fascinated with the array of equipment in the textiles department. Steve liked the metalsmithing area and Steve P. was impressed with the woodworking shop.
And there’s plenty of space for assembling, gathering, storing as well as individual studio rentals.
Back at the house Mary was busy working on her most recent quilt project.
Karen brought her folding spinning wheel into Mary’s space to spend some productive time together. Apparently the first ever spinning wheel in her studio!
And Steve assisted Steve P. with his wood bench project.
Then in the evening we all headed to the O. Henry Hotel for Cocktails and Jazz.
All too soon it was time to pull Bell@ out of the cozy little spot at the back of the driveway and head on to our next adventure in Maggie Valley, NC.



1 Comment

  1. Donna & Jerry Cody

    What a great visit! See you soon!


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