nüCamp Then and Now

Road Trip

As we met with Julie over lunch today and discussed plans for the upcoming üCamp21, hobnobbed with some of our long time nüCamp friends, and toured the nüCamp factory, we realized that it was exactly twelve years ago today in 2009 that we met Joe Mullet in the three car garage in which he was building Silver Shadow trailers one at a time.The one that he was building that day became our first RV. And we blogged about it. Fast forward to 2021 and we have spent more than 1200 nights in our various nüCamp trailers. Moving from the Silver Shadow to a T@B 320 Clamshell in 2013 and one of the earliest T@B 400s in 2017. All the while we watched the company grow moving to progressively larger rented factory spaces to their current location in 2015. Today there were fourteen T@B 400’s on the line, and who knows how many on the 320, T@G, and Cirrus lines as well as plans to build an expanded service shop and training center across the street. Through the years we have been blessed to enjoy some amazingly hand crafted trailers and incredible customer service. We are indeed celebrating an amazing relationship with the organization that Joe has built through the years and with the community of users that feels like family!




  1. Jim Collins

    Thanks for the nuCamp story. Very interesting!

  2. Amanda

    I’m so glad you have that early picture of y’all and Joe! How wonderful!

    • Steve & Karen

      It’s definitely one of our treasures.


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Excursion to Bath, England

Excursion to Bath, England

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